"How Do I Begin My Journey Towards Success"
First Steps to my Journey:
“Hello” Life was great, A house in country and beach house’s,Two wonderful Kid's, Good Husband, Then the waves of life, Sandy storms, Divorce, What happened??????
Life, we all know about it, was it a spiritual battle or my own doing.
Come on girl”s we all have a little of this in life??
This blog came about because, I was caught in a world:
Of getting my life together moving 4 times, cleaning out for ever, regrouping, finding new friends, getting straight in my head (come on Girls we are all a little crazy) After the Sandy Storm, moving, nursing school, raising the house ( lifting the rental house after storm),Taking care of my Father (dementia), hospice nursing, Battling loneliness, Depression set in .
I looked up to the lord and say what other lessons do I need to feel /learn .
God gave me a verse,
(2 Cor.1:4-7)
“ He will teach you how to comfort others who are hurting and facing tremendous trials..."
Hi, everyone, this is my new Blog, its going to be my(our) Journey to reinventing (our) selves .
We are going to learn how to be forgiven and forgive.
Ever since I got divorced, and went through the Sandy Storm, My life has been up side down, after the emotional dusk settles. I wanted to leave my powerless attitude and become the Women God wants me to be. I started to attack life with a powerful in charge mine set. No More Victim.
I started going back to church and prayer, so God could lead me. I tried many times to lose the last 10 pounds, eat right and go to the gym. During Sandy (hurricane) and my father feel sick, which was very hard. I tried to walk on beach and ride my bike, Its been a battle. I eat very clean and healthy.
I had lyme disease many times, it was so horrible, tired all the time, upset stomach on antibiotics for five years, it caused a lot of problems with my body and digestion, that I fight with all the time.
Things that I have battled with: stomach issues, no digestion, candida, bad colon health, pain, brain flog, can't eat gluten or sugar, how do you live and eat right.
I was eating a candida diet, low sugar and carbs, so I didn't feed the spirochetes, the Parasite lyme produces. It was very hard. I would feel good and fall off. I may eat too much fruit and it would start the bad cycle over and over. Finally, I got this under control. Prayer and God’s guidance.
I didn't drink liquor for many years being married and on the dating seen I have been having wine. Going out on dates, also made me gain because even though I picked good quality foods like fish, the restaurants hide packed on calories. It did taste GOOD.
I found that the dating seen is not want it should be, there are so many insincere people out there that just wanted a good time.
Through the ups and downs God has been good.
I decide to open MIDLIFE JOURNEY to the whole world.
It is for a group of people who want to reinvent themselves, through finding a REAL Relationships with our Savior Jesus . Then we will learn how to eat healthy and clean our bodies with whole foods .
We are going to help with the soul and the inner healing of the heart that needs to take place to become whole.
Real Nutrition and learning how to get over our negative emotions and to heal from pass trauma, our just life. God can make us whole and we can enjoy real relationships again.
Thanks, for taking the time to read this. Lets' begin our New Journey together. Amen .