"PROMISE OF GOD 3." The Promise of Forgiveness: Understanding It's Boundless Power"

You will find that learning to live the Christian life is like learning to walk
There will be many ups and downs, especially in the beginning. This is natural, as the psalmist points out::
( Psalm 37:23-24 )
“ If the lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm: though he stumble, he will not fall, for the lord uploads him with his hands.
The devil wants to trip you up and cause you to fall .
Sin hinders our relationships with “ GOD”. Satan would love to keep you in a constant condition of being out of fellowship with GOD>>>
When you were learning to walk, you often fell down, but did you stay down long??? No, you reached out to the extend hand of your mother or father, who put you back on your feet. This happened often, until finally you learned to walk. You can learn to walk with GOD the same way: When you fall reach out to GOD through prayer and accept his merciful helping hand::::
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.( 1 john 1 :9)
Whenever you do something that displeases the lord, as soon as the spirit of GOD has made you aware of it, make things right with God. As you do this again and again, you will come to know first hand__ the mercy and forgiveness of GOD. And the joy of walking in constant fellowship with him.
Memorize 1 john 1:9.
God will forgive our sins””” just ask
Take God at his Word and believe him for forgiveness and cleansing.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. ( 1 john 1 :9)
Whenever you do something that displeases the Lord as soon as the Spirit of God has made you aware of it make things right with God.Tell God and confess he will forgive. It is very amazing and healthy, cleansing for the soul. As you do this again and again, you welcome to know _ the mercy and forgiveness of God and the joy of walking in constant fellowship with him.
Memorize( 1 John 1;9 ) Always take God at his word and believe him for forgiveness and cleansing
I pray that these note’s help you grown in the knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ, amen