Crafting a Clear Vision for the Season Ahead: Tips and Strategies

Your NEW change: Write your vision out. What do you want in life. Ask for God’s direction. Release old things, enter into the new things. (It’s a season)
God is changing your life AND you can't see where you are going: God is leading you.
Jesus is leading you in the storm, like Peter in the Bible. The disciples were in the storm and Jesus reached out for them.
He wants us to (Shabbat): reflect your destiny track. Your truth comes in a state of rest. We call out, master we are sinking in the boat. Hold Steady. When Jesus was there, The storm steadied and calmed. Like us, we can call out for Jesus. A new normal thats coming????
Believe, where is your faith!! If you have a trial, through faith we can see it's going to be alright. Faith is believing in things we can’t see. God is going to take this storm and you will be refiled in it,,,
Rest reset: clean out your heart.
Release - reflect - believe - be patient and refocus. Clear your mind. Reposition as things are changing. I always learn after trials that God had a lesson in mind.??? Why, I always ask, but why did I have to go through this ?????????????
God loves us so much that he wishes us to be refiled. Coming out clean and growing more like Christ in his actions.
Philippians 3:12
" I admit that I haven't yet acquired the absolute fullness that I'am pursing but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me to make me his own."
I’m moving up and pressing on to things ahead. I remember when I was just divorced. I started dating. I got deceived by my feelings. Thinking I liked this one guy and he was a lazy man to begin with. Never showed up and was not accountable. The pull of the flesh got me.
BUT GOD, There it is again BUT GOD.
I was praying in the morning and God asked me to play a song on the radio. I'am moving up by Sweet Angel. I didn't know this song, but the words rang in my ears.
"the album Free My Angel:" by SWEET ANGEL
No more time to be spent All the wondering is gone Now that you know what you have to do You can’t just sit there any longer It’s time to see this thing all the way through You have got to make your move Don’t just sit there and think you’ll get hit by lighting Look around and find your grove And sometimes you think it might get frightening Stand up, stand out and get moving up And be on his way Don’t be to complacent with the vision That he has given you today He has given you this gift, he can take it away If you don’t move up beside him There’s an alternative plan, if you don’t take a stand So tell the man, who it is you confide in......... Your moving up.. Im movin up Now that you’ve seen what God can do Is there any other way for you to brake through You can cry on his shoulder, he will make you stronger You can fly and get older, he will make it last longer.. So just fly... Move up, I’m moving up You have got to make your move Don’t just sit there and think you’ll get hit by lighting So look around and find your grove And sometimes you might get frightened IM moving up, IM moving up....now.
This song showed me that God wanted me away from this man and to be moving up in Christ. To New Things, CHANGE in A GREAT DIRECTION. LOOK A DIRECT MESSAGE From GOD. I BET YOU HAVE THESE messages ALSO.
Invest in your next::::things ahead, press-on entering into the new. God I need change in my life, change me???? Steer my vision.
What are your promises, write them down. Promises that will work. Verses from bible???? All things work for good the promises of God
ROMANS 8:28.
"So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. The storm is designed to pull up your strength. Don't lose your hope. Rise up, Raise your hope, praise God.
There is a battle in your mind. Lies about your future or past. Get your armor on. Recognize God’s promises >>>> Take control of your life>>>>
Remember, Who then is left to condemn us???Certainly not Jesus, The anointed one!!!! for he give his life for us and even more then that he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted and enthroned by God at his right hand so we can too, only by believing.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, for this is the hope of our SALVATION>
We can be healed and set in a new direction.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would use the weapon of the the WORD in many different ways .
Jeremiah 29:11
"I know the plans that I have for you>>>>Plans for GOOD and not for evil" Plans to prosper you and not for calamity. To give you a future and a hope.
And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower is in our weakness. For example at times we don't even know how to pray or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super - intercede on our behalf. Pleading to GOD with emotional signs and prayers too deep for words.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, the “heart - searcher". God searches our hearts not just to uncover what is wrong but to fulfill the true desire to our hearts to be fully His. Grace trumps over Judgement. Amen
"Thanks Be to God” that he sends the Holy Spirit To live in us if we have been forgiven of our sins by faith in the work on the cross. The HOLY SPIRIT groans for our complete destiny to be fulfilled."""""
Please look at change in a new light. Ask for guidance and it will come Like lighting>
LUKE 11:9-11
"I tell you: Ask and you shall receive: Seek and you shall find: Knock and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives: and everyone who seeks, finds: and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened.
Isaiah 44:2 43:19 42.9 press -on psalm 1 19;59