Discovering True Fulfillment: Making Jesus the Center of Your Life
Focus On JESUS.

We all look for love in all the wrong places.
Jesus is to meet my needs for love. THINGS HAPPEN IF WE TRUST
Am I able to stop a strangle holding and suffocating my : ( Husband /Lover/friend)
I would stop trying to change and transform my (person) in to the desired image
Trust GOD to fix How (HE ) should be , His timing and His way.
You see, if I can do this. NOT control it<there is so much freedom in this way of loving.
I am only to be a conduit for Gods love.
WE must look to the LORD to meet our needs . Don’t stop being an open channel for his love, IT NEVER FAILS
The best thing we can do for anyone is forgive like God has forgiven us. If we hold bitterness in your heart, then the evil one can get in your life and torture your thought's. Remember its all about your mind. Please get all your thoughts under the control to God..
Clear your mind, forgive and make it right with God
"If you can't get rid of any idea, sing Praises, read the Word of God out loud.
Let your thought 's turn positive and don't give it any power in your mind. The Holy Spirit lives here and you don't have a home here. Go away .
Don't take it in your mind, don't give it any power.
YOU see, if we both hold on we both sink, so it is with friends, if we hold on to grudge‘s we both sink deeper into the pit and for what.
( because you think your right)
In the end all you can said, is In the end it doesn't matter
I was right you won, Nothing>>>>>>>
All this love and freedom, to fall in love again,
Now we are getting Gods supernatural LOVE.
I will lay down my life /will, die to self.. We are living in Victory if we can forgive others and or mates. We need to see the postive in everything and forgive everything.
If a seed doesn’t die it can’t grow to a corn.
Willing to love:
Abundant life is simply experiencing GODS life through us.
“ARE you willing to allow God to perform a miracle through You /us”
WE have to be able to Lay down your will( your emotions bad), and your life so that GODS love can released through you to others.
1John 3:16 Laid down your life.
Become professional in: LOVE A professional Lover
I am not the one loving ITS GOD I allow Him to love through me.
IN THIS motivational blog We ARE GOING TO TRY TO engage with our readers' emotions and inspire them to make a change in their lives and/or habits for the better. This Motivational posts published on this blog, will typically share stories or advice about how to live a happy and successful life.
I hope this helps you to forgive and get close to GOD. He is the only one that can forgive and heal our emotions.