Does God have a Plan for Healing our Bodies.

Genesis 3 reveals the root cause of all human suffering, and traces it back to the devil, Jesus himself said of the devil
“ He was a murderer from the beginning “ If we trace all sickness back to its source, the devil is the sole author of it, It is a part of “ the works of the devil”
Man has lost the blessing and protection of GOD by turning away from GOD’S Guidance.
We all have turned away from GOD in disobedience.
Roman 6 :23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In this way, the devil was able to bring upon mans body many forms of pain and weakness and sickness.
But GOD in his mercy still desires to bless man and to save him not only from sin but also from our sickness.
When Christ Died on the cross he bore our sins and illnesses.
By Faith in Christ we may now receive physical healing for our bodies, as well as forgiveness and peace for our souls.
So we can live with him in Heaven for eternally. Ex.15:26
“””I am Jehovah your doctor”””
Questions for us::
Who brings health?? Who brings sickness???
Who first deceived man, and tempted him to disobey God??? 1John 3:8. Rev12:9
When did sickness and pain first come to man?? Gen 3:16-19. Because man disobeyed God
Job, who brought sickness upon Job??? Why did God allow this???Job 2:7. Satan - the devil- test Jobs commitment
Who brought sickness on the woman here described, and How? Luke 13:11,16. Satan bound her with a spirit of infirmity
Who in this world oppresses people with sickness. Acts 10:38
What does God promise to do for his people who obey him???
Exodus 15:26
God promised the Israelites. I will not put the diseases of the Egyptians upon them, I will heal them.
Once, again God told Moses that if they obey he would bless their bread and water to take sickness away from them. Exodus 23:25
David in the Old Testament was blessed by the lord what did the Lord do for him Psalm 103:3
The lord forgave all his iniquities and the Lord healed all his diseases.
Why do you think Christ had to manifest himself to the world. 1 John 3:8
Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.
What happens when you come to the lord by faith in Jesus Christ.
How many of God’s promises may we claim through Faith in Christ
2 Corin 1:19-20
God can now pour all his blessing and all his promises on us if we believe.
The Holy Spirit in us can now do good and help us heal, all who were oppressed by the devil.
How many did Christ heal of those who came to him?? Matt 8:16 Luke 4:40:6:19 Everyone who came
Christ Healed everyone who comes to Him?? We have to ask and pray of course.
When Christ did not heal many people, what was the reason?? Matt 13:58, Mark 6:5-6
People had so much unbelief that they were held back from Healing.
People always ask Does God ever Change?? James 1:17
Does Christ ever change?? Hebrew's 13:8
As a result, what are CONSEQUENCES IN OUR LIVES?
We can be dead to sins, we can live unto righteousness, by His (Christ) stripes we are healed.
Hanging on a tree is a curse. From What has Christ redeemed us???
A curse on our lives..The curse of the Law. Every kind of sickness, Blessing
How many kinds of sickness were included in the curse of the law??
Deut.28:15,21-28 59-61 many types of illness.
‘The curse of the Law”” means the curse that results from the breaking of the Law. it includes every form of sickness.
This is why God wishes us to return back to him, for blessing and not curses. Forgiveness and love.
This is why you come to Christ for Forgiveness
If you never asked Jesus to Be lord and Savior Let’s pray now.
Dear Lord,
Please forgive my sins and bring me back in fellowship with you. I repent and turn from my sins. thank You for sending Jesus Christ to die for my sins and rise from the dead, so that I can know your forgiveness and live with you forever. Right now I ask Jesus To be my Savior so that I can live as the special creation that you intended me to be.
John 3:16
Thank God He came to rescue us from the fall of Man.
Welcome To the Family Of GOD.
You have arrived to Victory Hall where we rejoice in our Healing and our Salvation from Death.