Embark on an Exciting Adventure: Welcome to Your Journey

The bible does not just teach us about life.
It shows us how to come into a personal relationship with the very God who inspired this word (BOOK) (Bible). In John 20:30 It states,
"But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, The son of GOD, and by believing in him you will have life!!!!!!!!!! And that life is so abounding.
Amen, I met Jesus on June 1, 1980. Amazing! The pastor asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus into their lives and I ran forward. Yes, it’s been a Journey. We are all VICTIMS in some way and I learned to over come that feeling with the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Love.
(Victims of life: sexual, mental abuse, abandonment, neglect or trauma)
I started to clean my life out. I moved home and my next door neighbor asked me to church. So, I visited there.
It was amazing to see while in College I was looking for love in all the wrong places. Nothing was really true. So, I saw a blonde haired boy in the school cafeteria. He asked me to sit and of course he had Jesus stickers all over his books. Ho boy, ho boy, but he asked me on a date. But first, Church that day. Okay, I said. He picked me up on a motorcycle, oh boy again I said.
I always loved God but never considered being able to get really close.
We did go to church growing up, but I never heard that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. And that he is the one we pray to. Even at my friend's Catholic church I never heard that. I was young, so maybe I just never listened.
When God tells you it's time, you better listen. God opened up my world. Everything was new. I had peace and The Love was so amazing. I didn't need a boy friend. Jesus was my boy friend for a while. It is an amazingly wonderful relationship. Free at last and eternal life … you feel it.
The hope and peace of knowing I have been rescued from this dark world.
Coming to Christ is easy and so simple ::: life makes it confusing :::
We live life and still feel emptiness. God gives us a spiritual way to fill that hole through our connection with him!!! He wants his children Back. We try to fill that hole, self life (hole) the self life is the beast!!!!!!! Self is like CAIN. We can't offer up anything for a sacrifice for our sins so God Had to send his Son for us to be free. Free to come back and be a warrior for righteousness. God’s moral laws. WE have to be clean to get into heaven. Christ cleans us through his blood. Just like Passover. The blood on the doors saved all the first born from death in Egypt.
Your midlife journey begins when you come back to God.
It can be any time in your life, because it's your MIDLIFE Victory to freedom and eternal life!
Let's start now on this Journey together. Come out and be clean and eat healthy. It is the one who is VICTOROIUS over the beast of the self-life, who finds ultimate rescue and renewal.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life in Christ """"""""""""""""
Pray this prayer: I said something like this to God
""Lord, I'm sorry for running my own life. I've been living for me. I resign as of today. I believe your Son, Jesus Christ, paid my death penalty when he died on the cross and that he rose from the dead. I'm turning my life of "My way" and I'm putting my trust in Jesus Christ. I put my faith in my relationship with you for forgiveness of my sins and my eternal life in heaven. Lord, from today on, I'm yours."” Amen.
Welcome to the greatest Journey!
You will move to the (VICTORY HALL).
Amen ************Your Amazing Walk Begins Now ********************
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