Finding Meaning: A Devotional Journal for the Search for Significance Lesson 1
Who has the answer I’m looking for??
And He said ,” Therefore, I have said to you that no one can come to ME unless is has been granted to him by My Father”
Jesus asked his followers, Do you also wish to go way but Simon Peter answered Him, John 6:65-69
”Lord” to whom shall we go??? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that you are the Christ, The SON of the Living God.
Questions : What are the various reasons people search for their worth anywhere else but in GOD?__________________________________
How can we open the door to understanding our actions and attitudes.
The feeling of significance is crucial to man’s emotional, spiritual, and social stability and is the driving element within the human spirit.
My main statement:
Why waste to attempt to change behavior without truly understanding the driving needs that cause such behavior‘s !!!!
Me too! I did waste my time working on issues. Then I finally found healing through theses principles
We may spend a life time trying to find acceptable, love and success, but without understanding the need that compels us.
We must understand that this hunger for self worth is GOD -Given and can only be satisfied by Him.
Our value is not dependent on our ability to earn acceptance of people, but rather its true source is the love and acceptance that comes from truly knowing GOD. WE all need forgiveness of our sins. Amen.
He created us. He alone know how to make all our needs met. He knows how to fulfill all of our needs.
Today , when did you feel most valuable? Describe the situations.?
If you walked around with that valuable feeling all the time? What would this world be like if people everywhere felt valued???
John: 65-69 Simon Peter
Peter’s confessions of Faith
“Jesus said that no on embraces me unless the father has given you to Me”
Many Turned there backs on Jesus. But Peter spoke up and said, ’But Lord, where would we go? No one but you gives us the revelation of eternal life. We”re fully convinced that you are the Anointed One,The Son of the Living God, and we believe in you!!!
Peter came to the place each of us hopefully come too- God is the only one who has the answers.
Sometime it takes a while. We have to ask the right questions.
How does God answer the question of what makes you valuable?
I am your creator I knit you in your mothers womb!!!!!
GOD has made us and we each have a special purpose . We just need to ask God for guidance and caritiy.
Psalm 139:13-14
‘For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I’m Fearfully and wonderfully made.
This passage reveals that together in the womb. We are, therefore, not a product of randomness or nature, but of God’s omnipotent handiwork.
God crafted each person in his or her mother's womb to be a distinct individual. We owe our existence to Him and not to Happenstance.
Today, right now, what do you feel you’re worth??
On what are you basing your answer?
Talk to God
Heavenly Father, Sometimes the small things in life cause me to scurry past the important stuff, I get busy? So, Today I give myself to you.
Here I am for you to help me see what my most basic needs are.
Please, Lord Help me this day not to give in to the temptation to find those answers any where else but in your Word.
See even God puts Hearts in the sky!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray this helps your thoughts to know that you are Loved.
God is waiting for us all to came back. He knows the ones he calls.
If you find answers here, you have arrived at VICTORY HALL ::::::
Where are souls find healing.