How to Find Freedom When the Truth Controls You

VICTORY OVER DECEPTION::::::::Times of refreshing are coming a new era of ::::::::::
American freedom
In the name of Christ Jesus ,We come before you, all mighty God.
You are lifted up in all power. In all Holy and Honor we humbly come before you in Grace asking; That the pull of the flesh( Body) be less in our lives. and the power of the Holy Spirit be ruling more. We need more of your power to teach us how to live in this evil world. You send your Son Jesus to die on the cross. It is finished,we now have access the the Holy one GOD YESHUH, Please guide and give us strength /wisdom to get through this life.
Help us to share our faith as we grow in GODS love .
Colossians 4:3
" Pray for me that God will open a door of opportunity for us to preach the revelation of the mystery of Christ . """""
He came to redeem us, but nobody shares any more their love of GOD.
Pray for an open heart to share and grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus or lord.
Prayers for power over the enemy :: Our strongholds, we may never know we have.
In the name of Jesus Christ I command every demon and stronghold out of this person right now. Who's listening to this, I command every attach form the enemy to be broken .
Every stronghold and principality be gone in Jesus name and any curse or Vex or witchcraft . set ( us / me) free from every scheme of the enemy.
Expose the darkness and
I pray that all of it would leave now in Jesus name get out of their body you have no power here, amen
Truth to control me :::::don't give in to any negative thoughts. I pray I can hand them over to God and he will help you be able to forgive Its really our Holy Spirt that helps us to have the power to heal. but don't give the evil thought any power in our brains.
It will drive you crazy.....
I never new that I could turn off the brain, with the help from the forgiveness Spirt Jesus.
I just prayed it threw until I forgot . But now (I /we) can learn how to ask the Holy Spirit to forgive.
We will earn in another Post how to do this. Thanks for following.