I”AM MOVING UP God has a sense of Humor He gave me this song to play on the radio during prayer …

God has a sense of humor, He gave me this song to play on the radio during prayer time. God said play this song . " I"am moving up"
I never heard it before It was by Sweet Angel .
What, I mean who is that??????? God leads us in a small soft voice. Are we really listening to it. You, see I was in a relationship that God didn't want me to be in, he said get my heart away and be only with me for a season.
I will show you the way to go. Well, I would have loved to said I did obey for a while like 4 months. I did get this man out of my heart. I still had feeling for him. But God wanted me to grow through this trial.
I did, I had to look and all the pieces, where they right for me was it Good for my soul.
Was I always chasing after to be with him??????
What was wrong with me that I can't be alone.
So, I took God’s advice and started, listening to GODLY motivational Christian speakers and from some Great preachers a long the way.
Don't get scared they were not off the charts bad.
You see I started listening to God. I heard that God brings your soulmate just into your life, we shouldn't have to work for it. Yes, I believe in soul mates. You see I was not whole yet and I brought brokenness into the relationship. I was to needly.
If you want a relationship to work we have to be whole by ourselves.
How do we get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, Here is the question, where do I start. Are we really together myself, what burdens do I bring into the mix.
Lets try to be whole:
Finding ourselves : What is our purpose in life “ Our direction in life” rise above yourself.!
2. Am I able to help other’s with the things I have been hurt by.
3. I have to find out what my JOURNEY for life is ( even if it is small)
WE can all help or think of others.
4. Do we have peace in our hearts are we able to forgive the past hurts and move on. (REALLY FORGIVE) Its a process ( prayers to God help, Just talk to him about it, He will answer)
Seek and you should find. (MATTHEW 7:7-8)
Ask, and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find: knock and it shall be opened unto you.
For every one that ask’s receive’s: and he that seeks shall find: and to him that knock it shall be opened.”
Just look up to GOD and ask him for help, He is there all the time just waiting for “YOU” I pray this refreshes your HEART. :: when you forgive , You have arrived at Victory Hall:
This is the VICTORY we can have in GOD, forgiveness and healing.
I mean complete healing. First just ask GOD what he has for your life, wait and listen.
Remember, God wants us whole and healed before we start a new relationship. Other wise we bring all the issues with us. We can work together to be forgiven and healed
Let's take this JOURNEY. Together