The Power of Reflection: Why Taking a Minute Today Can Change Your Life.

REFLECT If you’ve been living with a “tightrope plan” mentality then today I want to encourage you to put that behind you. Remember that the path is much bigger than you think, and that if you seek God’s Kingdom, you’re not going to miss it. Put the burden of that mentality at the feet of Jesus today so that you can pick up His peace and delight in its place. Then reflect and start walking in your divine purpose with Him! Does this resonate with you? How do you see yourself stepping into your destiny in this season?
BEHAVE LIKE YOU’RE PASSIONATE, EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT. In sports, a good team will rise to the occasion and “play up” when going against a stronger team. However, it’s the championship teams, the true winners, that play up all the time no matter who they are playing. It’s really easy to do your absolute best job when you’re feeling passionate, but an extraordinary person does this all the time - even when they don’t feel like it. How can you play up in your current season?? How do we live for God’s purpose? It has become all too common in the church for many to defer to “God’s plan” for our lives. On its surface, it sounds like a “good, Christian” approach to life, but what if I told you it’s not true? That God does not have a plan for your life? I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God has a purpose for every single person on the planet, but I do not believe He has a plan. What I mean by that is God has called each and every one of us to fulfill a particular role in the context of history, and there are many ways He can get us there. Instead of a singular, pre-mapped path to your final destination, it’s a little bit more like a “choose your own adventure” story. I want to propose to you that regardless of where you’re at in life, whether you have big dreams and have no idea where to begin, or you’ve tried to fulfill your destiny and keep hitting roadblocks, that with a heavenly perspective you can start walking towards your destiny today. WHAT IF GOD DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN FOR JESUS’ BIRTH? WHAT IF THERE WAS NO RESUCE PLAN?
If you need a little more convincing on the idea of God’s purpose versus a tightrope plan, let’s take a look at Jesus’ life. Revelation chapter 13 tells us that Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the world. That means that before the world ever had a problem, God had an answer! It’s beautiful that He had this laid out from before the beginning; that His son, Jesus, would be born and die as a sacrifice for the sins of man - our sins that had not yet even occurred! But isn’t it interesting that in that grand purpose God had for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, there was no room at the inn for Him to be born?
MAYBE THE ROAD ISN’T ALWAYS SMOOTH. THATS BECAUSE HE WANTS US READY! While I have heard a lot of good prophetic significance in Jesus being born in a manger, the Bible says the reason why Jesus was born in a manger is simply because there was no room in the inn. Don’t you think if God planned Jesus’ birth from the foundation of the world, He would have made sure there was a place in the inn for him to be born? But God didn’t map out every single step to make sure everything was completely smooth and seamless. (Take a second here and realize that even if your life hasn’t gone seamlessly, it doesn’t mean that God’s not in it...) His Son was created with a purpose that would be accomplished regardless of whatever roadblocks arose. And so it is with His purpose for your life. God does not intend for you passively await for some unknown point in time in the future; He is calling you to prepare today—right in this moment! No matter where you are in life, you are in an important part of the story of your destiny.
DO ORDINARY THINGS IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY When Saul was sent by his father to look for lost donkeys, he didn’t just give up when he couldn’t find them on his own. Instead he sought guidance from the prophet, Samuel, who ended up anointing him as king. His choice to perform this ordinary task in an extraordinary way ultimately led him to his destiny. Today we face the ordinary things—the laundry, the administrative tasks in your job, taking out the trash, making your kids’ lunches, all with great intention. WE CAN HAVE PEACE IN GODS WILL AND BE HAPPY DOING THE ORDINARY THINGS BECAUSE THEY ARE DONE FOR CHRIST.