Unlocking the Mystery: How to Know GOD and What You Really Want in Life

TRUTH How you can know GOD From The moment you were born , you have been on a QUEST you didn’t even know it. or have a clear idea of it, me too.I knew that I wanted my life to have so kind of purpose. I wanted to be happy. I remember I have started to take bubble baths and clean my house and rooms out , it fell like a new beginning. but I was doing it my self . I was in college and I met a lady who supposedly lived near me. ??? I was searching you see God was opening my heart to see that I needed to be clean , this lady told me that if I wanted to get my life together Then I should ask Jesus .
WHAT, WHAT ,WHAT who is that but I did and he opened up and new world to me . One of purpose’s in life was to gain knowledge about my God. To know my maker in a personal way. How Do we Get to know God better , read his living WORD.
(2 Cor 5:17) Anyone who belongs to Christ has become o new person .Old has passed away New life has become Believe me I searched for meaning to life, in life itself going it on my own. WE search for meaning and happiness in relationships , sex, possessions , jobs, fame.drugs, drink, and even religion ’s ??? WE are all searching for that meaning in life::
God is so loving and patience That he gives use free will and we choose to follow him. People say whys their pain in this world, Sin in our human hearts . we are all trying to control our own nature, but it's hard .
God wants us to come willing and open for his guidance. After Leslie That lady shared Jesus with me I didn’t know what it was . So she give me a paper telling me that God loved me and died for me on the cross for my my SINS please forgive me Father I asked. It was amazing .GOD LOVE AND CARING SHOWED UP THEN I NEEDED IT> But Its still a choice . “Deuteronomy 30:19” “ I have given you a choice between life and death”between cursing our blessing. Now I will call on heaven to see the choice you made.>>>>>
WE have to choose a life with Christ To be saved from SIN and death we must ask God in to our hearts for forgives for sins. Only once to God you can come back any time but don’t wait Christ is at your door knotting please answer ITS LIFE OR DEATH WITH OUT GOD EVER IN DEATH TOO???? If we choose to not have God in our lives , thence will not know him in death>>>> Thats Sin for you. promises freedom but brings slavery.
“Wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ”
TRUTH (Romans 3/23 )
Gods says to each of us, : I have Given you the choice between life and death. (Deu 30:19)
“we are all like the prodigal son’s “ we have all gone our own way we are going to the father and saying I want my own way >>> its my life ok Well when we mess up and find out it was pride ,Are we still empty in side where do we go after life . our soul goes on. WE have to hear the words that God loves us and forgives all our messed up lives . Fortunately , One day the boy in Jesus story wakes up realized his mistake In Luke 15:17 it said “he finally came to his senses”I messed up my life and I am so empty : I hope you don’t wait until the and of your life. It comes like a thief in the night> One day you will comes to realized that life outside his fathers house was simply insane>>>even more he realized that his own actions had brought on his troubles. You take control and ask Jesus to help and give you eternal power an knowledge and grace, Love, Like you have never had it it covers you, like a blanket Read Gods word and try and get to know Jesus.
But : there has to come a point where we own up to what we have done. Jeremiah 17:9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and , desperately wicked. who really knows how bad it is???? We all need forgiveness and love bring us back to our Creator everything you need in life is found in a relationship with GOD> I have sinned Luke 15:21 God can forgive the sin ,we will not confess> we need to feed on Gods word or our sinfulness can be exposed because temptation comes .
TRUTH WHERE DO YOU STAND WITH GOD The truth of the matter is that we all ask the same question : what is life about and why am I here. Most people go about life trying to do there best, but most people don’t understand the character of GOD . Like me I also listened to other people’s opinions and have made conclusions based on inaccurate information . Like the traditions of Men and not the reading of GOD”S WORD . God’s word is like living water it feeds you. WE are going to study the Gospel of John . It opens our eyes and our heats too Jesus, we meet him and understand that he loved us so much that he died on the cross for our sins so we can have forgiveness. and become children of GOD. now we have a real connection to God because his holy spirt is in side us. Jesus’s blood cleanses our hearts /spirits ,so we can communicate clean before God .The only way he can help us. Jesus invites sinners to come and be forgiven.
Roman 6:23 “ For the wages of sin is death ,but the free gift of GOD is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and failed short of the Glory of God Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us ,While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 4:25 “He was handed over to die because of our SINS, and he was raised to life to make us right with GOD.” Regardless of how you feel, or what you have been through ,the power of GODS LOVE FOR YOU will not change .He gave his only SON in exchange for you !!!!!~~ WE all have to meet GOD :: we have all gone our own way,, of course ,did we know any different was there any one telling you about GOD’S LOVE . I Ignore my own badness, but one day I heard about JESUS FORGIVES MY SIN/BADNESS me going my own way without asking for guidance and forgiveness and that I can be, cleansing our our sins through his blood , Roman 10:9 “ That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as LORD ,and believe in your heart that GOD raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED>” “””Eternal life”” I give you and a personal GOD (spirit ) that can now take care of you . for eternal life>> ‘BEHOLD<NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION
(2 Cor. 6:2 )Your very breath you breathe is a gift from God.
JOHN 3:16 “For GOD so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life .” WE have no promise of tomorrow ,but you have the opportunity , now to repent of sin and receive the gift of GODS love through JESUS CHRIST .
TRUTH ; (Just ask Jesus in your life and he will guide you) Your spark for life will be enlighten .AMEN follow along for fun times .