Why should we Share the Word of GOD

How has Christ made it possible for salvation for all men everywhere.
By His atoning death on the cross we can be free to come back to God.
But in order to receive salvation each person must first hear the Word of God and the testimony of Christ.
I once heard that It takes about Five times to hear the Word of repentance and the love and forgiveness in Jesus, to get into our hearts and change our lives.
What is the testimony of Christ.
Christ came to show us forgiveness and a way back to The Father God.
He Gave us the ability to have the HOLY SPIRIT. When we receive Christ and get Baptized in water( not as a child) because a child can’t tell publicly that they wish to receive Christ. It has to be acknowledged in the brain and spoken. Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then you get baptized in The Holy Spirit.
God’s plan is that every person who is saved should be filled with the Holy Spirit and should use this power to witness to others of Christ.
When we share what Christ has done for us, this way the testimony of Christ should continually be extended farther and farther to all the nations.
Christ said He would come back for us, all who believe. But He wants his message of salvation to reach all the nations of the earth and prepare the way of the Lord.
Christians who are faithful in witnessing will receive a reward from Christ Himself and get to see in heaven all the souls who have been won through their testimony. Amen, I hope to see many. Let’ learn how to tell others about Christ, next Blog post.
If we are unfaithful will have to answer to God for the lost souls whom they failed to witness too. God had to send someone else?????
What did Christ tell His disciples( we are his disciples now) that they were to be for him??
Let’s look at. 1 Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirt comes upon you, and you will be my witness all over to the end of the earth”
This means that Being Christ witness requires the power which is associated with the Holy Spirit , The Spirit of Jesus.
What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon you?? You will receive power from on High. To be a bold Witness of his saving power . Amen
Please tell others your Great news.
Wait a minute doesn’t that mean That every Believer is or could be a witness for Christ.
The value of a man to the Lord is not the amount of good things which he has stored up in himself, but in the testimony that comes out of him.
Lets’ get Real with God.

If you have received this Gift of forgiveness and eternal life, please share it with others. Hopefully, I will post on how to share Christ Jesus with others.
Well just tell them about the saving love and power in Christ. It works.
If you haven’t asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.
Please pray this prayer
Dear God , I know that my wrongdoing have broken my relationship with you.. Please help me to repent and ask for forgiveness of my sins. I believe you gave up your own life to bring me back to God. I believe you rose from the dead, so I could find again my life with GOD.
I want to follow you now and love you back every day of my life.
_______________________________________ Your name, AMEN