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What is Salvation and why do we need it.


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Christ's death on the cross, his atoning sacrifice, was not just for a select few, but for all men and women, everywhere. It paved the way for each of us to return to his kingdom, a testament to his boundless love and grace.

But in order to receive salvation each person must first hear the Word of God and the testimony of Christ.

God’s plan is that everyone who is saved and accepts Christ into their life should be filled with The Holy Spirit. We need to learn how to use this Holy Spirit power to witness to others about this good news of salvation.

You see God’s Plan was for us to share this great news of eternal life..This way the testimony of Christ should continually be extended farther into the nations worldwide.

Yes, The fall of Man made all of mankind know the knowledge of good and evil. The price for that is also free will. So God gives us over to our sinful behaviors. (Roman 1) But, Praise God, he gave us a rescue plan a way back, only if we ask and wish to have full repentance back into God’s Kingdom.

We need to hear the Word of God and act on his forgiveness. It's truly amazing to see God work in your life. Through the ups and downs, he is always there, willing to help. Yes, we live in a fallen world. All around us, bad things happen all the time. Thank God, Jesus, that he made a way back.

Christians who are faithful in witnessing will receive a reward from Christ Himself and will have the joy and excitement of seeing in Heaven the souls who have been won through their testimony.

Here is a little prayer you can say if you are not a believer in Jesus. Personally, take the time to say this prayer. It's so simple that we get confused. Come to Christ now and Be forgiven.


Christians are not intended to be a witness to a doctrine, or a denomination, but to CHRIST HIMSELF.

John 12:32 “I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

Christian testimony should uplift JESUS and be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 1:8, Christ tells his disciples what they should be for him. Christ Answers, Be a witness of my forgiveness and soul healing to all the nation's

Matt 24:14 says all nations must hear this good news.

Paul( Saul) was also converted when he heard the Good News of Christ’s salvation and the rescue plan.

Saul was a leader in Rome who killed Christians. He met Jesus on the Damascus road. Christ (God) came down and told him to repent when he was in His chariot. Amen, for his changed heart. Paul is one of the best writers in the New Testament. Paul’s testimony, which is based on a personal experience, is pointed to Christ.

Acts 22:15 What did God tell? Paul that he was to do for Christ??

To be a witness to all men of what he had seen and heard. Tell others about Jesus' saving Word. Remember, there would be no need for a Bible story if it didn’t have any rescue plan.

What was the rescue plan? , The central fact of all testimony concerning Christ is His resurrection from the dead. (Acts 4:33) EHV

The apostles continued to testify about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ with Great power, and abundant Grace was on them.

The central theme is that Jesus did rise from the dead, so we too could be raised up to eternal Life, But only if we believe and confess Jesus died for our sins.

Remember, it has to be personal, just for you and God.

Come to Jesus, and he will forgive your sins.

John 3:16.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Amen, I pray you said the prayer to get to Heaven.

You have arrived at Victory Hall where there is healing for your soul.

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