Blessed be God, the father of our lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and comfort: who comforters us in our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort GOD gave us. 2 Cor 1:3-4.
Lord, I ask for GRACE during times of testing and trials. WE try to LOVE people like GOD, but we can’t. GOD has to do the work in us to forgive and forget because we don’t want to give the devil the opportunity to get in.Those buried resentments, bitterness, and stressful circumstances would cause me(us) to act just the opposite of how I wanted to act. Like Paul, “I hate the things I do and I do the things I hate“. Romans 7 :15
I would try in my own human strength, but immediately the buried feeling was always right there building up — READY TO EXPLODE. Rather than acting lovingly, I became as cold as ice even if asked if everything was ok. I would say fine.
Then anger and frustration and hurt would totally consume me. My anger was just a system of a much deeper cause. Underneath my icy exterior lay unvented rejection and hurt that I had never properly dealt with before. I wanted to be a clean vessel for God to fill and use me. But because I had sin or unforgiveness in my heart, I was not being used by GOD like I could have been.
If we have Unforgiveness in our hearts and sin in our life, yes we are going to HEAVEN by Jesus, but we may not be a clean vessel here on earth to be used of GOD in our fullest potential. How can we be used by God if we are not clean and run our own lives? God's Love in our hearts will be blocked from coming forth into our lives. I had no idea that God's love was supernatural and totally different from my own human love. I didn’t realize that God's love could only flow through me if my heart and life were cleansed.
BE A CLEAN VESSEL We must remember we are only a body, a form, a vessel which God can mold and fill in many different forms shapes and colors.
You see Gods love was poured into my HEART when I first accepted Christ. I had no idea the AGAPE was GOD himself working through me. And the only way he could do that was for me to give him a clean and unclogged vessel to use.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that who ever believes in him can have eternal life::::
Ask forgiveness about running your own life. Shame and Guilt can be set free in CHRIST.
AMEN Hope you follow us to a healing adventure...................