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Uncovering The Meaning Behind The Gospel of John

Life’s Greatest JOURNEY

The Gospel Of JOHN

The Gospel of John is a eye witness account of History.

It stands the test of time.

This one GOSPEL has made a difference in so many lives around the world.

Have you ever had a sense that you were made for more?

Why am I here On earth in this world???

There are so many things to be amazed at, like the beauty of this world, or the wonder of love??

Are you also being shocked and discouraged by the hatred and evil around this world??>

There is a reason you feel this way!!!!

There are 6 basic truths that will change your world.

# 1 truth

We were designed for GOOD

God created the world, and that includes you__ he declared everything beautiful and made for GOOD.

We where made only for GOOD and the evil ruler separates us from God, or he try’s.

In the beginning God had a personal connection with his family This connection to God gave them meaning and purpose.

You have a purpose to be united with GOD.

We all long to be Good. We are tricked to think evil is fun and It doesn’t exist.

# 2 Truth

But something is wrong and broken

We know that something is wrong ! What is it we all feel it in our soul. We choose to live for ourselves . We all walk away from God, this is Sin. We are all born with both seeds, (Good and Bad ) Let’s see who wins Christ Jesus or evil .

When we sin, we break our relationship with God, and everything that was meant for Good gets broken, you see we do it. Give in to evil thought’s and action’s, it just natural.

3# Truth

WE cannot Fix what we have broken.

Can we fix this problem. Great question ?? We cannot . Many have tried to build there own bridge to God. But there sin prevents them to get in.

Try to live perfectly ? It’s possible

The problem is Bigger than you may realize

Sin separates us from God Forever. The end of sin is death.

Romans 6:23

The wages of sin is death but the free Gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ.

4# Truth God has made a way

What you and I can not do, God has done Because he loves you so much. He made a way for you to be united to him.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

God the Son, Jesus, by coming to earth to die on the cross for you, He paid the price for your sins.

Jesus became the way to Heaven. He is the bridge, because if you are washed in Jesus blood.

God see’s you Holy and forgiven. God’s new family in Heaven.

John 14:6 Jesus Christ is the only way for us to reach the Father

#5 Truth

God invites you back to Him

Guess what God’s word says you can to:

Become part of God’s Family John 1:12

Be with God and others for eternity John 5 :24

Life today with God’s Passion and purpose to tell others about this free gift. God gave us a free will so we can choose. Good or Evil.

#6 Truth

Being with God gives you purpose

God’s Word says your Life Can :

Be filled with meaning and purpose John 10:10

Have Jesus he will always be with you John 14:18 ‘“Produce work that gives joy and meaning to your life.” John 15:5

The big Question Then Is How do I come to GOD.?

God set up and invitation for you————-

Admit that you need God and turn away from Sin ( John 8:11 )

1. Believe have faith that when Jesus died on the cross he took the punishment for all. Your Sin, and He rose to life again to conquer death so you can raise again also. ( John 1:29)

2. Receive Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior by Praying to him.

Here is a little simple prayer to pray

“Lord Jesus, Thanks you for showing me how much I need you

Thanks you for dying on the cross for me. I believe you rose from the death to conquer sin and death, cleanse me, Forgive all my failures and sins. Make me clean and help me start fresh with you.

I now receive you into my life as my Lord and Savior . Help me to love You with all my Herat, Amen

Jesus said John 6:37. “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”

Name __________________________ Date of Response ________________________________________

What should I do next???

If you prayed this prayer please read the Gospel of John you will meet Jesus - In his own words. And before you walk away, please seriously consider coming to God. God always takes us bad even if we are the worse person who lived. They have a chances to be forgiven. Come now don’t wait .

God is amazing. He helps through All the ups and downs.

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