How does God always have the solutions for man’s emotional struggles?
If God doesn’t have the answers Then how can he bring us joy and peace.
In God’s Word he promises his followers His peace and joy in life, knowing that we have eternal life.
The Old Testament depicts the original sin and the fall of Man.
This was a devastating event for all mankind.
When we examine the nature of man before sin caused him to lose his security and significance.
Adam was the first created man Adam’s purpose was to reflect the glory of God.
Through man, God wanted to demonstrate His, love, Holiness, wisdom,
Comfort, forgiveness, and patience. Through Man intellect, free will and emotions, Man was to be God’s glorious character.
To meet Adams need for companionship and understanding God created a woman for Adam. To satisfy their spiritual needs God Visited them and talked with them personally.
Adam and Eve were perfect-in Body, Mind and Soul.
Like Adam and Eve, Satan was also created in perfection. Lucifer the morning Star He was the angel of the highest rank. Created to glorify God.
Beacause of his pride and he was upset at God for making Man in His Image. He wish to help rule the earth. He was cast from Heaven with a third of his angels!!
Gen 3:1
Guess What happen next , Satan fall became mans fall too. Satan came to Eve as a serpent more crafty than any beast of the field that the Lord had Made.
Adam had been given authority over the earth, but if, like Lucifer, He rebelled against God, he would lose both his authority and his perfection.
He would become a slave to Satan and to Sin.
Romans 6:17
‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God’s is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ephesians 2:3
We became by nature Children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Destroying man was Satan’s way to reign on earth and ,he though, to thwart God’s wonderful plan for man.
Now, we know why Jesus had to come. Because all history led to a single hill outside of Jerusalem, where God appointed a Savior to pay the penalty for man’s sin of rebellion. AMEN
Christ's Death is the most overwhelming evidence of God’s love for us.
and die, so we could be found again and have free will to come back to Him for our forgiveness.